I've been waiting for ages...

Windows is (slow, power hog, rebooting, ) except gaming...

What's next level for C++? I think it should be something help scaling the performance and...

Who doesn't love faster tools?...

Most powerful git tool vimmer ever created...

Marvel has an excellent framework to integrate its comics into a unified Marvel universe...

Annoying google drive share link issue if you just copy/paste...

found a simple graph visualizer to give a try ...

Starting to refresh my OpenGL brain and figure a good chance to make tool sharp to survive...

bgfx support many platform, let's see if we can embed it on this post...

The unearthed magic powered machina is more than 10 years ago operated by ancient 'experts...

Refresh my C++ 11 brain and upgrade to 17...

You don't need to learn Rust to enjoy its benefits (fast & secure flavor)...

Is Rust the next gen C/C++? let's get some readings and keep notes...

Just cool ...

Near the end of 2020, we had a new family member...

Just to help explain a bit...

My working & working out device...

Kami level power? Take my root and show me the code ...

Coming late, but it is worth the wait...

One simple improvement that solves my previous ssh copy pain on remote vim...

BTW, I also love cooking...

Reading notes from Micro Frontends in Action to get background for webpack 5 ( TL;DR )...

If your kid love Castlevania and they are interested in computer TL;DR ...

Fzf + emoji is fun!😆...

Markdown + ReactJS = MDX...

Sometimes I do graph by hand as well...

There are a lot of movie night chat room, but none of them supports m3u8! Let me fix that...

(Obsolete: because of migration from Jekyll to Gatsby mdx, js in page will be much easier!...

Ninja Gaiden is a nightmare game when I was kid...

Conda is not just for Python...

Setting up various IDE -like autocompleter in vim is painful until I met LanguageClient-...

Wanna a gantt chart editor for free? Download for Mac or Centos ...

gcc is deprecated now...

npm 's concurrent script is great! Inspiredly today I just made yet another simple helper ...

It's a breaking workflow when I need to take a picture of screen (to clipboard), save it i...

Merry Christmas and happy coding! Hack Inspired by this chrome plugin I added some Deni...

Feeling excited 🤓 to be able to find a magic trick for old MFC-7360N's duplex scanning...

Vim is as powerful as your power armor but can be extremely lighter! I believe you click ...

A few good stuff I scavenged from Chrome wasteland...

It's been a long time...

Implemented Chris' double surface refraction...

This article is intended to record my readings on computer science in the past few years a...

Recovered ancient post, implemented with DirectX or RenderMonkey (Offline Shadertoys) Tran...

How to make it realistic? ...

This function should be redesigned to be e...

You don't need quaternion to make vector spherical interpolation...

One of my favorite mapping together with spherical, parabolic mapping etc...